Black Eagle Shaving has a collection of documents providing information and specifications related to Black Eagle shaving brushes. This is all grouped under the Dossier giving a convenient way to answer any questions you may have.

Brush Specifications

Many factors significantly effect the feel and performance of a shaving brush. This section will give you a brief understanding of the different dimensions that make up a shaving brush.

Premium Shaving Brush Specifications 500 Pix

Knot Description

Badger Hair is a natural product which exhibits distinct differences both between and within batches. This section will give a basic outline to the different batches supplied by Black Eagle Shaving.

Shaving Brush Knot Descriptions 500 Pix

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions about Black Eagle Shaving Brushes, this section may just have all the answers you are looking for.

Colorful Black Eagle Shaving Brushes 500 Pix